Considering that nearly half of U.S. marriages end in a split, America has one of the highest divorce rates in the world. Furthermore, the fact that the divorce rate in Ohio is about 40 percent places the state median close to that of the nation. However, what all of these statistics fail to mention is the amount of anguish and emotional turmoil involved in the process. Besides having to break a vow that was supposed to be upheld till death, couples have to deal with splitting up assets, maneuvering child custody battles and hashing out all the details pertaining to alimony and child support.
While America’s divorce rate has long been high, lawyers have been witnessing an interesting trend reversal when it comes to alimony and child support — women have been paying more and more of it. In fact, 45 percent of attorneys belonging to The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers have witnessed an uptick in the number of women paying alimony. More than half of attorneys of the same institution have noticed a rise in the number of women paying child support.
What’s surprising to note is how this reversal has been affecting the parties involved. On the one hand, plenty of high-earning women are caught off guard by child and spousal support orders. On the other hand, some men have been ecstatic to receive the financial help.
As a result of all of this, a soon-to-be ex may want to retain an experienced lawyer. Legal counsel could help a client secure fair terms in regard to child support an alimony.