These days, most courts in Ohio and throughout the rest of the nation recognize the importance of a father in a child’s life. However, it’s still fairly common for children to end up living with the mother if there’s a serious custody dispute that can’t be resolved amicably. That’s why some steps dads looking to remain involved with their children may want to take steps to protect their rights after a divorce.
Dads are encouraged to be reasonable about parenting time, custody and visitation requests by determining how much time they’ll likely have to spend with their children during their transition to a post-divorce life. While diligent fathers understandably want to be involved as much as possible, they should always keep their kids’ best interests in mind. Taking this step may require some dads to face their own emotions about the end of a marriage while also letting go of lingering bitterness or resentment.
Fathers may also be in a better position to get awarded joint custody if they prove to the court that they’ve physically made space for their kids. This may require a dad to make sure there’s a separate room for their child at their new post-marriage home.
If joint custody is desired, a father should also consider hiring an attorney who can navigate the various legal steps involved with achieving this goal. A lawyer could make a case for joint custody by showing that the father is fully prepared to assume the role of a co-parent. Legal assistance may also be necessary if one spouse purposely prevents scheduled visits from taking place or if there’s a need to make adjustments to a custody agreement.