Many Ohio parents may be concerned about how to best help their children get through their divorce feeling loved and supported. Parental divorce can be challenging for kids, and they may feel uncertain about the future. Even the practical elements, like moving back and forth between their parents’ houses, can be demanding for kids. However, by keeping some key guidelines in mind, parents can help to protect their relationship with their children and help them to feel safe and secure despite the difficult times.
In the first place, it is important for children to be insulated from their parents’ conflicts in the divorce. This doesn’t mean lying to or hiding things from the children; openness can be one of the most important ways of preserving family communication during a divorce. However, it does mean not attempting to get the kids to take one side or the other and not trying to receive reassurance and support from the children. Kids love both of their parents in most cases; they don’t need to learn about the adult issues that have brought their parents’ romantic relationship to an end. At the same time, the kids should be encouraged to express themselves openly.
It can be important to reassure the children that they in no way caused the divorce and also cannot stop it from happening. While their parents’ relationship is changing, this does not affect the love that both parents feel toward the children. At the same time, kids should feel free to love both of their parents without needing to hide their feelings.
Parents can help their kids get through a divorce with a strong sense of security by keeping good boundaries and an open, loving relationship. A family law attorney might help them address practical issues, including parenting time, child support and custody.