When facing divorce mediation, it’s critical to understand what you’re getting into. The right knowledge allows you to prepare accordingly.
There are a variety of divorce mediation questions to answer as you inch toward the process, with these among the most important:
- What is the role of a divorce mediator? A divorce mediator is not the same as a family law judge, as this person doesn’t have the power to make legally binding decisions. Instead, they’re responsible for facilitating communication, asking questions to clear the air, providing information on the legal system and identifying resolutions, among other details.
- How long does divorce mediation take? This depends on many factors, most importantly the willingness of both individuals to negotiate and compromise. The first step in the process is a meeting where each individual identifies the issues to discuss. From there, further meetings are scheduled to hash out the details of the divorce.
- Are you required to spend any time in court? As long as you work through all of your issues in mediation, there is no requirement to make a court appearance.
- Is divorce mediation cheaper than litigation? While not always the case, this typically holds true since you’re able to proceed in a more efficient manner.
- Does it make sense to work with an attorney during divorce mediation? You’re not required to have legal representation, but it typically makes sense to do so. Your legal team can explain what to expect, answer your questions along the way, and, most importantly, protect your legal rights in Ohio.
If you’ve yet to answer these divorce mediation questions, collect as much information as possible before the process begins. This knowledge will help you proceed in the appropriate manner.
Even though there’s nothing simple about the divorce process, mediation has a way of reducing tension and allowing both individuals to proceed in a more efficient manner.
It’s possible that you’ll run into a few snags during mediation, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. As long as you make sound decisions to protect your legal rights, you’ll feel good about the way things are unfolding and the ability to live a better life post-divorce.