We Fight The Lifelong Consequences Of Sex Crime Charges
If you have been accused of importuning, also referred to as solicitation of a minor for sex, or any other sex crime involving the internet, it is important to act quickly to defend yourself. The penalties associated with these crimes — fines, incarceration and sex offender registration — can destroy your life.
At the Kelly Law Office in Columbus, we know how to fight charges of internet sex crimes. As a law firm that has been providing criminal defense representation since 1992, we have been defending people throughout Ohio against these charges since the dawn of the internet. You can be certain that we can defend you.
We Can Handle The Challenges Presented By Importuning Charges
Importuning is perhaps the most common internet sex crime. These cases all play out in a very similar manner. They start with a person going into an internet chat room. The accused allegedly begins a conversation with a minor. That minor turns out to be a police officer.
The technological aspect of these cases may seem challenging. However, the larger challenge in these cases has to do with questions of entrapment and constitutional issues. We know the challenges and we know how to move forward to protect your rights.
We Can Handle The Challenges Of Any Sex Crime Charges
At our law firm, you will find an attorney who can defend against all sex crimes that involve use of chat rooms, instant messages, emails and other aspects of the internet. We can defend against everything from internet stalking cases to allegations of possession or distribution of child pornography. No matter what crime you have been accused of, we can defend you.
We Can Handle Your Defense For A Reasonable Fee
We know that you will have several questions about the costs of hiring an attorney. When we meet, we tell you upfront what sort of options you have, and what that may end up costing you. You will always have a clear picture of what our services cost, whether it is a flat fee or hourly rate.
Start With A Free Initial Telephone Consultation
Are you ready to discuss your case with an experienced lawyer? Call us at 614-241-2174 or send us an email.