An Uncontested Divorce Can Save Time And Money
If you and your spouse are able to reach an agreement with respect to child custody and visitation, child and spousal support, marital property/asset and debt division, then an uncontested divorce or dissolution may be right for you.
- Are you considering trying to save money by using an online site to prepare your dissolution paperwork?
- Are you worried that you may overlook something that will cause you a major problem and additional expense later?
- Are you concerned that the court may not approve your agreement or that your case may be delayed?
- Would you prefer to be able to talk to an experienced family law attorney who can answer your questions and explain law and the process as it applies to your unique circumstances before you make many important decisions that will affect your life for years to come?
You can save money and time, have peace of mind, and avoid appearing in public in court. With Kelly Law Office as your counsel, you can feel confident that you fully understand your rights and that your interests are protected. Ending a marriage is difficult enough, representing yourself can create unnecessary problems. Let us help you make the best out of a difficult situation.
Talk to us about our low flat rates for dissolution and uncontested divorce. You may be surprised to learn how little it will cost to avoid the stress and unintended consequences that can come with representing yourself in a dissolution.
Flat rates for uncontested divorce or dissolution without children start at $1500 plus filing fees ($257.50 for uncontested divorce with or without children in Franklin county. Other counties may run slightly higher) and private judge fee (typically $165.00). For uncontested divorce with children, fees start slightly higher, typically at $2500 plus filing and private judge fees. And the best part is you will not be required to appear in court. You will meet with a judge of our choosing in the privacy of our offices and finalize the matter quickly and casually.
Use Our Private Judge Services To Save Time And Money
Ohio requires a hearing before judge to finalize a divorce or dissolution. In uncontested divorce and dissolution cases, if you and your spouse agree, we offer the services of a private judge so that you do not have to spend hours waiting in a court room or appear in public to finalize your divorce or dissolution.
For a modest fee typically $165, for standard dates (or $185 for specially requested dates) we will have a private judge meet with you in the privacy of our office to conduct a brief final hearing. No long waits, no stress of appearing in public court.
Never Appear In Court: We Use Private Judges To Finalize Your Divorce
Ohio requires a hearing before judge to finalize a divorce or dissolution. We use the services of a private judge so that you do not have to spend hours waiting in a court room to appear in public before a judge to finalize your divorce or dissolution. For a modest fee starting at $165, we will meet with a judge in the privacy of our offices and discretely and quickly finalize your domestic matter. We can also be flexible with scheduling a time that will meet your needs.
At the Kelly Law Office, in Columbus, you will find an attorney who can skillfully assist you through the uncontested divorce or dissolution process at fees that are very reasonable. You will find an attorney who will be by your side from start to finish, ready to answer your questions or just listen.
Schedule Your Free Initial Telephone Consultation With Our Lawyer
Are you ready to discuss your case with an experienced Columbus uncontested divorce attorney? Call us at 614-241-2174 or send us an email.